
My Priorities

Public Health

A healthy city is a prosperous city. We need to address our public health needs such as decreasing prevalence of infectious diseases and improving mental health in our community.

Public Safety

Everyone deserves to feel safe within their community. Providing our police, fire, and EMS personnel with the tools they need to do their jobs is essential to a prosperous Charleston.


For too long, parts of our city have been neglected. Both targeted improvements and greater overall investments need to take place to make Charleston a more desirable place to live.

Utilization of Public Spaces

Charleston is ready for its renaissance period. By increasing utilization of public space, facilitating events and festivals, and drawing people to Charleston, we can become known as a cultural hub in our area.

Youth Involvement

Investment in after-school activities and youth involvement are essential to cultivate the next generation of Charleston. Teaching these young people citizenship and leadership will improve our city for years to come.