At the last Charleston City Council meeting (Nov 6, 2023) significant strides were made in enhancing community services and supporting local businesses with the recent passage of vital resolutions. There was an extensive list of resolutions and bills passed! Frank Annie is proud to report on the progress of some of the initiatives he is more deeply involved in.
Warming & Cooling Centers Expanded with City Assistance
This fiscal year, the council earmarked $100,000 under the CARE office to financially support warming shelters and cooling centers. Resolution No. 904-23, a pioneering initiative, has established a Memorandum of Understanding with the Kanawha Valley Collective (KVC), allowing them to receive city reimbursements. This is a significant step, as KVC and partners like United Way have historically managed warming shelters without city funding.
The reimbursement is set to facilitate the opening of warming shelters on days when temperatures are forecasted to drop to 20°F or below, a 5-degree increase from KVC’s previous operational threshold. Additionally, on days when the National Weather Service issues heat advisory warnings for Charleston, cooling centers will also be eligible for city reimbursement.
Frank Annie expresses his gratitude to the organizations and council members including Joseph Jenkins, Joe Solomon, Beth Kerns, and Chelsea Steelhammer, for their unwavering commitment to safeguarding our citizens against extreme weather conditions. Through such collaborative efforts, the council aims to provide a safer and more comfortable environment for all residents throughout the seasons.

Firefighter Medical Leave Pool
Another significant bill passed that Frank Annie co-sponsored with Chelsea Steelhammer and former Fire Chief Councilmember Chuck Overstreet that was driven largely by Charleston WV Professional Firefighters IAFF Local 317 Union President Captain Smith. Bill No. 8018, amends the Municipal Code to establish a sick leave pool specifically for the uniformed personnel of the Charleston Fire Department. This compassionate initiative enables firefighters to voluntarily contribute a portion of their sick leave to a communal pool. This pool can then be accessed by fellow firefighters experiencing medical issues that necessitate more leave time than they individually have available. During a time Charleston firefighters are experiencing increased health hazards, this bill represents the Council’s commitment to providing substantial support to our first responders and their families during challenging times when they are unable to work due to medical conditions.
Parking Incentives for a New Downtown Business
Council also passed Resolution No. 903-23, which authorizes a strategic partnership with Worley Group, Inc. This agreement grants up to 120 monthly parking spaces at no cost to Worley Group employees in Municipal Parking Building #2 for three years. This incentive is contingent upon Worley Group’s commitment to a minimum seven-year lease for operations within a downtown facility. This initiative is part of the council’s broader effort to stimulate downtown economic activity and demonstrates the city’s proactive approach in attracting and supporting new businesses to enhance the Charleston economy. Frank Annie and the council are optimistic about the positive impact this will have on supporting downtown commerce. We give big thanks to Mayor Amy Goodwin for introducing this resolution and its co-sponsors, Becky Ceperley and Joseph Jenkins.