Category: Video & Audio
Charleston City Council votes ‘no’ on proposed syringe program
Charleston City Council voted “no” on a proposed needle exchange program for the Women’s Health Center. The syringe program was to become part of facility’s harm reduction program. It was rejected by a 17-9 vote. “We have a problem in Charleston with these diseases. Hepatitis C will bankrupt us.” Dr. Frank Annie, Charleston City Councilor
How These Bipartisan Candidates WON Their Elections
TYT’s The Conversation – Charleston West Virginia City Council members Joe Solomon & Frank Annie discuss winning their elections, and running on a campaign on populist bipartisanship.
Bipartisan Candidates in WV Capital Join Forces to Combat Drug Crisis
A bipartisan group of candidates running for city council in Charleston say the city needs to tackle the region’s drug crisis by decriminalizing cannabis and supporting harm-reduction programs. Frank Harrison Annie, a Republican Charleston City Council candidate, said lack of broadband access can cut off residents from telehealth, mental-health support and job opportunities, all of…
This Bipartisan Group Is Tackling Charleston’s Corruption
TYT’s The Conversation – Charleston West Virginia City Council candidates Joe Solomon and Dr. Frank Annie discuss their bipartisan effort to resolve West Virginia’s health crisis and fight corruption from the establishment.
WV Can’t Wait Municipal Broadband Press Conference
Charleston Can’t Wait briefing to bring municipal broadband to the city of Charleston—following the lead of our neighbors in South Charleston. Learn more at Charleston wvcantwait.com! Kevin Mullins, founder of SecureNet, as well as City Council candidates, Dr. Frank Annie, Robert Sheets, and Corey Zinn.
Primary Election Forum at Grace Bible Church
Dr. Frank Annie and other Ward council candidates speak at 52:15